Geography, GIS, & Sustainability
College of Humanities & Social Sciences
Under the umbrella of natural resource management, my research focuses on evaluating stakeholder decision-making and management strategies, applying the behavioral economic and management theories of Common Pool Resources and Adaptive Management to Non-Timber Forest Products and Ecosystem Services. My research asks what contextual characteristics and policy or management strategies influence or correlate with natural resource management activities. I use remote sensing and GIS techniques to describe land use and land cover changes and qualitative interview analysis to assess market chain interactions and motivations. To explain environmental impacts and responses to policy and management decisions, I combine social and natural science data in variable importance and causal inference models
With funding from the National Science Foundation program called Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE), I am leading a research team in developing an assessment tool for teaching and learning complex concepts related to the Food-Energy-Water Nexus. Specifically, we apply an established machine learning method of evaluating constructed response (short answer) questions to create a Next Generation Concept Inventory (NGCI). This new approach to concept inventory construction creates a new set of constructed-response items and associated automated scoring models focused on the complex systems typically addressed in environmental programs.
Romulo, C.L., Gilmore, M.P., Endress, B.A., and Horn, C. 2022. Maurita flexuosa fruit production increases with increasing palm height in the Peruvian Amazon. Plants, People, Planet, 1-6.
Romulo, C. L., Posner, S., Cousins, S., Fair, J. H., Bennett, D. E., Huber-Stearns, H., Richards, R.I., and McDonald, R. I. (2018). Global state and potential scope of investments in watershed services for large cities.Nature communications, 9(1), 4375.
Wallen, K. E., and C. L. Romulo. 2017. Social norms: more details, please. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1704451114
Huber-Stearns, H., Bennet, D., Richards, R., Romulo, C., Cousins, S., and Hoyle, J. 2017.Social-Ecological Enabling Conditions for Environmental Policies: A Review of Current Dialogues with an Illustrative Focus on Payments for Ecosystem Services. Ecology and Society. 22(1):18.
Virapongse, A., Endress, B.A., Gilmore, M.P., Horn, C. and C. Romulo. 2017. Ecology, livelihoods, and management of the Mauritia flexuosa palm in South America. Global Ecology and Conservation, 10, pp.70-92.
Nelson, J., Gerasimova, D., Samaras, A., Bland, L., Hjalmarson, M., Kester, M., Romulo, C., Battistini, A., Crowell, A., Ericson, R. and Ewell, M., 2016, July. Implementation of interactive teaching strategies across STEM disciplines. In Innovations in Teaching & Learning Conference Proceedings (Vol. 8, p. 2).
Schwebach, J.R., Gerasimova, D., Luther, D.A., Verhoeven, A.B., Davis, C., Gostel, M., Romulo, C., Schreffler, L., Seshaiyer, P., Nelson, J.K. 2016.Advancing Graduate Education and Faculty Development with Discipline Based Education Research and the SIMPLE Framework: Design Memos in Biology for Active Teaching. Athens J. of Education
AESS Early Career Award 2021